Frequently Asked Questions

Are Juggernaut Golf drivers legal for USGA play?

All our Juggernaut golf drivers do not conform to the Rules of Golf and that is the point, to make the game easier and more enjoyable. Only 1 in 5 golfers carry a handicap and there are already plenty of options for them. However, for the rest of the golfers who play casually are not required to have equipment that is on a conforming club list. Juggernaut non conforming drivers exceed both the COR/CT and the volume limit established by the USGA.

portable CT pendulum tester device

What is COR/CT?

In 1998, the United States Golf Association (USGA) set the Coefficient of Restitution (COR) limit for woods at 0.822 with a test tolerance of 0.008, effectively taking the limit up to 0.830. A driver is deemed non-conforming that exhibits a rebound coefficient greater than 0.830.

In 2004, the USGA established a different test that would be portable and at the same time faster to obtain a result. This is called the CT test or short for “Characteristic Time”. It is a small pendulum device that strikes the club face with a metal ball. Sensors record the amount of time the two objects remain in contact with one another.  The spring-like effect is limited to 239 microseconds plus up to 18 microseconds for manufacturing tolerances. Therefore, any club that measures higher than 257 microseconds is deemed a non-conforming golf club.

What is the legal limit for driver volume?

Volume is simply the numerical designation given to the size of a club head (normally a driver, fairway, or hybrid) as measured by liquid displacement. The maximum volume of a golf club, according to the Rules of Golf, is 460cc (+10cc tolerance) or 28.06 cubic inches. Anything over are deemed non conforming golf clubs.

One method to measure volume of a golf club is to take a beaker of water that has a wide enough opening for the head and fill it with water to a specific level, like 1000cc or 1500cc to make it easy to figure out the displacement of water.  Make sure that once the club head is placed into the water that the head can be fully submerged and that the water will not overflow the beaker.

Next, submerge the head up to the base of the hosel (if one exists) as the hosel (according to the USGA) is not considered part of the volume of the head. The water will rise inside the beaker as the club head displaces the water. Take note of the new volume in the beaker as you will have to subtract the starting amount of water inside the beaker from that measurement. Let’s say the original amount of water inside the beaker was originally 1500cc. If the club was submerged up to the base of the hosel and the new displacement became 1950cc, this means the volume of the head is 450cc.

measuring volume of a golf club in a beaker
Note, there are several drivers on the market with a volume over 460cc, but not many have a CT/COR over the USGA limit like all the Juggernaut golf drivers do.

Which term is correct? Illegal golf drivers or non-conforming drivers?

Don’t get your knickers in a bunch, you are not going to get locked up and put into jail for playing any of the Juggernaut golf drivers. The correct terms are non-conforming drivers or non-conforming golf clubs. According to the Rules of Golf, you cannot post a score for handicap purposes if you use a non-conforming driver.

“It is the player’s own responsibility to ensure that his or her clubs conform to the Equipment Rules. If the player has any doubt as to the conformity of a club, he or she should consult The R&A or USGA. Queries may also be directed to the local committee in charge of a competition or the local Rules Committee.

There is a penalty of disqualification should a player make a stroke with a non-conforming club, but there is no penalty if a player merely carries a non-conforming club during the round. However, such a club still counts towards the 14-club limit (see Rule 4.1b(1)).”

There is no need to look on the USGA Non Conforming Golf Drivers List (or USGA Conforming List).  We know the Juggernaut Max drivers are non-conforming and we did not submit them.